Your Path to Net Zero

Bringing sustainability to life

EU Taxonomy Phase 2 for medium size Companies launches in ...








Creating a sustainable future you can scale

Reaching the climate change targets set out by the European Union in the European Green Deal and manifested in the EU Taxonomy Regulations will require the largest reconstruction of the global economy since the industrial revolution.

One of the cornerstones of the EU sustainable action plan is to bring clarity to the market amoung all stakeholders regarding which economic activities can be considered sustainable and which are not.

Companies need to understand the environmental impacts of their businesses and learn to manage the uncertainties from market pressure and financial shocks. Creating, certifying, sharing and analysing Taxonomy aligned data requires involvement from multiple stakeholders.  Moreover it is important to tie all of it to a Net-Zero strategy for long term market success.

Manage Uncertainties to drive Business Results

Our Answer to your Challenge

Green Business Building

Net Zero Strategy

Sustainable companies are 6% more profitable than their competitors!

We are guiding companies through their sustainability journey step-by-step. Rome wasn’t built in one day, neither can a net zero target be achieved overnight. It requires some bold business decisions and it will take time.

We take the time to understand how our clients operate and create solutions to fit their specific needs. But we don’t stop there. We’re always thinking about the future.  We solve the problems of today and pave the way for long-term sustainable growth and efficiency.

Starting with analysing  the current state of processes, products and frameworks, identifying hot spots and risks. We enhance innovation to gain a competitive advantage.  Set targets and monitoring improvements with your team that are tangible.

Net Zero Strategy
Risk Gap Analysis

EU Taxonomy

We help your business to be compliant with the latest EU Taxonomie regulations, step-by-step and hands-on.

Sustainability reports enhance global comparability and enable organisations to be transparent and accountable. It creates a common language for organisations – large or small, private or public – to report on their sustainability impacts in a consistent and credible way.

The EU Taxonomy is the new legally binding screening standard for EU corporate non-financial reporting.

We believe in the power of separating and increasing sustainable operational performance from PR. Analysing, creating, documenting and sharing Taxonomy aligned data requires involvement from multiple stakeholders- which is complex.

We help you to streamline your data, processes, frameworks so that it supports you in your daily business – so that you can focus on your business. We drive adoption of standards that help assessing sustainability performance that can be validated by third parties. 

Supply Chain Operations & Product Stewardship

Some of the biggest challenges to transition to Net-Zero and comply with the EU Taxonomy are deeply rooted in Supply Chain and Product Design.

Sustainable products are part of our DNA. Having sourced in more than 40 countries and lead major re-design and cost engineering initiatives, we can help you to turn the challenges into opportunities. Sustainable Innovation, product design and supply chain design starts with ensuring that sustainability is a core design criteria in the earliest phase of the design and innovation process.

Consumer behaviour, B2B and B2C, is changing and so are purchasing criteria. Sustainable product innovation aims to design products that deliver environmental benefits to consumers, such as CO2 emission reductions, improved recyclability of products, and energy savings. This will have an impact on any business model of every company and requires a market driven approach.

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